Saturday, January 7, 2012

Baby Steps

Every year, I put off as much as possible until a few weeks before the competition and then it feels like I'm cramming for an exam.  The results are always are often less than spectacular as well.  Each year, I vow to do it different.  More focused, getting things done earlier, etc.  But it is kind of like knowing it's time to clean the bathroom, but thinking it can wait another day.  Days go by, and before you know it, it's just too gross to put up with anymore.

So, this year, I think I just need to break the project down into baby steps with no more than a month between each baby milestone.  Right now, it's the beginning of January which leaves about eight months to complete my ultimate arrow launching machine.  Here goes:

Goal 1 February 1, 2011
Complete a working "chassis".  This will resemble a crossbow like set up with a limb holder, arrow rest and trigger release system.

Goal 2 March 1, 2011
Using existing limb sets, complete safety systems such as foot shields and string stops.  Come up with a way to generate high speed test shots without destroying precious flight arrows.

Goal 3 April 1, 2011
Dial in limb design and complete first set of new foot bow limbs.

Goal 4 May 1, 2011
Refine system.  Generate test shots exceeding 400 feet per second.  Test durability of limb design and incorporate lessons learned into second limb set.

Goal 5 May 28, 2011
Bring foot bow to Sisters, Oregon for the local fun flight shoot.  Test shoot bow with heavy test arrows to keep them within the 700 yard boundaries of the field.

Goal 6 June 14, 2011
Test first limb set to destruction or achieve 500 feet per second.  Whichever comes first.  Complete second foot bow limb set.

Goal 7 July 2, 2012
Push second set of limbs to destruction or achieve 600+ feet per second.  Whichever comes first.  Make design adjustments and complete final limb sets (plus two or three spare sets).

Goal 8 August 1, 2012
Complete flight arrows (12-24 flight arrows), strings, etc. for the flight competition at the Bonneville Salt Flats.  Add those last cosmetic touches that make the foot bow look beautiful, because we all know it will shoot much faster if it is beautiful too!

Goal 9 Last weekend of August or first weekend of September, 2012
Show up at the Bonneville Salt Flats two days early and begin distance test shots.  Dial in tuning.  Try not to lose all my precious flight arrows in the process.

Goal 10 Date of US Flight Nationals
Shoot!  Good luck to the search party who must find where the arrows land.  Ha-ha-ha-haaaa!

Goal 11 
Have fun, get some rest, and take a break from this madness!

This looks like a pretty good plan.  Let's see how it work out.

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