Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Chrono test March 2nd

I had a little excitement the night of March 3rd, chrono testing the Footbow in the garage.  I think I am finally starting to learn it isn't a good idea to chrono test a bow in the garage no matter how controlled I may think the conditions are. 

I wanted to see if I could get consistent speeds above 700 fps with a 13" long 125 grain arrow made from a standard grade carbon. Unfortunately, the arrow seemed to have buckled from the acceleration and exploded, sending shards in a wide shotgun pattern out the front of the bow. The metal nock mangled the metal frame that holds the paper indicator and still had enough energy down range to put a deep gouge in the thick aluminum light-kit frame on my chrono and penetrate deep into the thick aluminum guide on my table saw!  I still haven't found the arrow point. One of the razor blade fletches put a perfectly clean slot through a metal door panel. 

The good news is that the foot protector worked and the bow survived. 

This picture illustrates what the arrow looked like before and after. I am still finding arrow fragments days later. 

Note the bottom of the paper tune frame is bent. The clean hole toward the lower center is from the arrow point, the more jagged holes are from the disintegrating arrow shaft. 

Hole in the aluminum guide of the table saw left by the tiny metal nock. 

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